I liked this! A fascinating portrayal of the precipices we all face in life, the angles and angels we face in both overcoming and being overwhelmed. Very much a female expression, something I like to present in my own writing as a male (moreso than that, as a human), there are layers of desire, spinning vortexes and many other complications, almost in the vein of a mythical quest in a fantasy novel, except drawn over with the veneer of ordinary life, rendered in mess and mire, the things that we come to put up with, the things that others bother us for. The obstruction, really, of the possibility of a 'new' person we might become, both from internal and external judgments. You come to empathise with Millie, the main character, and her habits speak of an innocence that is fully aware of corruption, sensing the blow before she is brought down by it--but there is far more going on than she knows, and the novel conveys both the threat and the threatened with equal precision, a balancing act that never seems to lean too far in either direction.