I remember browsing the internet in the late 90s/early 2000s and enjoying pages that were just text, a jumble of ideas expressed out of someone's heartfelt desire to accumulate them. This was the focus--thoughtfulness and individualism. When thoughts are left to their own, not hemmed in by anything else, there is a magic that blossoms.
There is another thing that I want to talk about which is owning myself in the focus of being, to accept that I may have seen myself as unworthy based on certain feedback loops I might have been trapped in. Where I might have painted a picture of myself--and I am working to erase that picture and replace it with something else. I am just beginning in this transformation and it is just as real as anything else, how I see myself and who I am. I know identity is this intangible concept, especially reflected in this regard, where nothing really will change, excepting my ownership, but for that reason it is ultimately important, the difference between driving a car and riding in it. I guess what I'm saying is that it is important, it is my Self that I am owning, and the only reason it feels small is because I have spent so much time telling myself it's not. Minimizing myself.
I'm not talking here about gender identity, but I am talking about my personal identity, how I view myself. Just as Neo in the Matrix wakes up to the truth of himself, there are certain limiting things I believed about myself--that was just what I incorporated, and now I get to pluck out the wires, explore the new world. It will be mostly about gaining confidence, as I have said, taking ownership. But that is big on its own.